Every entry shall constitute an agreement and affirmation that the person making it along with the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, rider and the horse 1) shall be subject to the rules of this show, 2) that every horse and rider is eligible as entered, and 3) that the owner and any of his representatives are bound by the rules of this show and will accept as final the decisions of the hearing committee on any question arising under such rules and agree to hold harmless Palmer River Equestrian Center, Dawn Cook, the directors, employees, agents of PREC, or the show. I hereby enter the above at my own risk subject to the rules of PREC, Dawn Cook, and engage to be responsible for any injury or damages that may occur to or be so caused by any animals, vehicles, or trappings, or any loss of any animals, vehicles, or trappings exhibited by me, and I further agree to be absolutely responsible for the physical condition of any animal under my control or ownership. I also certify that any animal exhibited by me is free of any infectious or contagious disease and possesses a current Coggins test. UNDER MASSACHUSETTS LAW, AN EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO, OR THE DEATH OF, A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 2D OF CHAPTER 128 OF THE GENERAL LAWS.